domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, yes I do.'
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do
Happy Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day
'Happy Mother's Day, I love you.'

I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, yes I do.
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do
Happy Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day, I love you.

Happy Mother's Day, I love you.


domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017


I love my daddy, I love my daddy
I love my daddy, yes I do.
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you daddy for all you do
Happy Father's Day, Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, I love you.

I love my daddy, I love my daddy
I love my daddy, yes I do.
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you daddy for all you do

Happy Father's Day, Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, I love you.

Happy Father's Day, I love you.


jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Here are some videos related to the SEASONS.

I hope you like them!!

Spelling Test Words WEEK 20 para los alumn@ de 2º de Primaria

This week I want you to learn how to write the SEASONS and some more words related to the weather.
Next week you will have the exam of the CLOTHES and the WEATHER, so revise all the words we have been working on.
Remember to practise a little bit everyday.
Here's the video.

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Spelling Test Words WEEK 18 para los alumn@ de 2º de Primaria

Seguimos con las prendas de vestir, esta semana nos centraremos en el calzado y los complementos.
aquí tenéis el video para poder repasar las palabras en casa.
Enjoy the video!!

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

Spelling Test Words WEEK 15 para los alumn@ de 2º de Primaria

Today we finish the Unit related with animals and the house.
And we start a new unit related with clothes.
Here are the new set of words about clothes.
Remember to practise them everyday!

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017








jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Spelling Test Words WEEK 15 para los alumn@ de 2º de Primaria

Here are some more animal words.
This time they are WILD ANIMALS, we can find them in the forest, in the jungle, in the desert... or if we visit the Zoo.
Remember to practise them a little bit everyday.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

STORYBOOK: Peace at last for 2nd grade.

Hello everyone,
Yesterday in class I read the storybook of Peace of last.
Here is a video of someone else reading it, if you want to listen to it again.
I hope you like it.

Spelling Test Words WEEK 14 para los alumn@ des 2º de Primaria

We are still working on animals.
This week you will practise farm animals.
Here is the video of the Spelling Test Words.
Enjoy the rest of the week.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Spelling Test Words WEEK 13 para los alumn@ des 2º de Primaria

We are working on the rooms of the house this unit.
So here are the new words which are related to the house.
Remember to practise a little bit everyday!
Have a nice week!

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Prepositions of Place VIDEOS for 2nd grade.

In 2nd grade we are working on the prepositions of place.
Here are some videos so that you can practise them at home too.
I hope you like them.

Spelling test Words WEEK 12 para los alumn@s de 2º Primaria

Happy New Year and welcome back.
Here are the new words.
They are animals.
See you!!